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#312 : Sans Défense

Résumé : Pour fêter les 18 ans de la Tueuse, le Conseil des Observateurs organise une petite "fête" : alors qu'elle a été privée de ses pouvoirs, Buffy se retrouve enfermée avec un cruel vampire. Seulement, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu et Joyce Summers se retrouve enlevée par ce vampire.


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Sans Défense

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Un soir au manoir d’Angel, Buffy s’entraîne avec le vampire. La cheminée est allumée, ainsi que quelques bougies qui éclair un pique-nique. Le couple se retrouve au sol, la Tueuse prend une baguette de pain, se met au-dessus d’Angel et pose le pain sur la poitrine de son petit ami.

BUFFY : Je t’ai eu ! (Elle sourit. Ils sont un peu essouffler).

ANGEL : En plein cœur. 

BUFFY : Satisfait ? 

ANGEL : Je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit le mot. 

BUFFY : Oh. Oui. (Elle pose la baguette et se relève, un peu gênée). Je ne voulais pas dire 'satisfait' dans le sens... (Angel prend le pain et se relève).

ANGEL : Non, j’essayais pas de... 

BUFFY : Parce qu’il n’est pas question de satisfaction au sens...intime du terme. 

ANGEL : Bien sûr.

BUFFY : Bon, je dois y aller. (Elle s’éloigne). Giles... 

ANGEL : T’attend, oui. Je sais. Je sais. 

BUFFY : Merci. Pour l’entraînement. 

ANGEL : Est-ce que je te vois ce weekend ? Tu, tu as certainement des projets. 

BUFFY : Oui. Une fête d’anniversaire. C’est vrai oui. J’ai des trucs. 

ANGEL : Ah, des trucs. Un rencard ? 

BUFFY : Joli. Tu as presque l’air indifférent. Tu as raison. Oui, j’ai un rencard. Il est plus âgé que moi. Très séduisant. Il a des côtés très paternels. 

ANGEL : Ah, ton père. (Sourit-il mais il devient sérieux, inquiet même). C’est ton père ?  (La jeune femme sourit et hoche un peu la tête).

BUFFY : On va voir de la danse sur glace. Ça va me changer les idées. Ce sera distrayant. 

Un peu plus tard dans la bibliothèque, Buffy est assise tandis que Giles brandit une pierre devant elle. Différent cristaux sont posée sur la table, devant la Tueuse.

GILES : Celle-ci ? 

BUFFY : Améthyste. 

GILES : Utilisée pour ? 

BUFFY : Purifier l’haleine ?

GILES : Porte bonheur, retour de fortune et purification de l’aura des gens. 

BUFFY : D’accord et comment on sait qu’une aura est impure ? Le bonhomme se balade avec au-dessus de sa tête, 'lavez moi, je suis sale' ? 

GILES : Buffy, je suis conscient de ton dégoût de l’étude de pierres vibratoires mais elle fait partie de ton entraînement, donc j’apprécierai que tu m’évites ce genre de raisonnement par trop spécieux. 

BUFFY : Désolée. C’est qu’avec Faith qui rôde et qu’on risque de voir débouler sans crier gare, je pense qu’on devrait patrouiller. 

GILES : Oui. Faith n’est pas intéressée par l’entraînement à proprement parlé, donc je compte sur toi pour continuer le tien. 

BUFFY : J’aime pas jouer les bonnes élèves. 

GILES : En ce qui concerne la patrouille, eh bien tu, tu la feras en temps voulu...pourquoi es-tu si anxieuse ? 

BUFFY : Je crois que...je crois que je dois avoir un trop plein...d’énergie à brûler. 

GILES : Chaque chose en son temps. Mais pour le moment, sans vouloir trop te bousculer... essaie de te concentrer. (Il place un gros cristal bleu, devant sa protégée qui le regarde en soupirant).

Dans la nuit, Buffy se bat contre un vampire dans un parc pour enfant. Ils glissent sur un toboggan, la créature est à terre. 

BUFFY : Wow, c’est rigolo ton truc ! On se le refait ? 

VAMPIRE : Je te tuerai pour ça.

BUFFY : Pour ça ? Alors pour quoi tu voulais me tuer avant ? (Ils luttent à nouveau. La Tueuse finit par lever son pieu). Alors, qu’on en finisse. (Elle a subitement un vertige, son ennemi en profite et la pousse par terre. Il se retrouve au-dessus d’elle, la jeune femme ne fait pas le poids. La créature retourne le pieu contre Buffy, qui résiste de toutes ses forces). 

VAMPIRE : Et surtout dis-moi que je m’y prends mal. (L’élue a peur).




Buffy finit repousser son adversaire et par le tuer, après quelques difficultés. Elle se relève doucement. Le lendemain matin, La Tueuse s’entraîne à lancée des couteaux sur une cible, dans la bibliothèque. Giles entre dans la pièce.

GILES : Tu viens tôt, dis-moi. (Il boit un café). 

BUFFY : Giles, je ne vais pas bien. 

GILES : Ah oui ? (Il s’arrête et regarde la cible. Les lames ont atterrit un peu partout, sauf au centre de la cible). Ah. Peut-être que tu devrais... (Buffy lance un couteau et rate la cible) ...te reposer.

BUFFY : Et en plus de ça, je me suis sentie mal hier soir. Et un vampire a failli me planter avec mon propre pieu. J’arrivais plus à réagir ! (La Tueuse loupe encore sa cible). Je ne sais pas ce qui a pu changer en moi. Toutes mes forces se sont enfuies. Je suis aussi faible qu’un bébé. Giles, qu’est ce qui se passe ? 

GILES : (s’assoit) Eh bien, peut être que tu couves une mauvaise grippe, je ne sais pas. 

BUFFY : Non. Non, je ne suis pas malade et je ne serai pas malade. Avec mon père, on sort tous les deux. On va voir de la danse sur glace pour mon anniversaire. Si j’annule, ça lui brisera le cœur. 

GILES : Bon, écoute, euh, reste tranquille quarante-huit heures. Et puis, oublie les patrouilles jusqu’à ce que tu te sentes bien. (Il se lève et s’éloigne, sa protégée reprend un couteau).

BUFFY : Non. Non, j’ai besoin de plus m’entraîner. (Elle lance la lame et casse une lampe L’Observateur s’arrête). Je m’en vais ! (Elle file à toute vitesse). 

GILES : Merci ! 

Dans la cours, Willow, Alex, Oz et Buffy mangent à une table.

ALEX : De la danse sur glace ? Un spectacle de patinage ? Et il sait quel âge tu as ? 

WILLOW : J’ai vu Snoppy sur glace quand j’avais six ans. Mon père m’avait emmenée en coulisses. J’ai été si effrayée que j’ai vomi sur Woodstock. 

BUFFY : Oui, je sais que vous pensez que c’est un truc bébête pour les filles mais non. Beaucoup de ces patineurs ont remporté des médailles. Et chaque année mon père m’offre une glace à la vanille et puis en souvenir un programme avec dedans pleins de photos et oui, d’accord, c’est bébête et c’est pour les filles mais j’adore ça. 

OZ : C’est pas que pour les filles. La glace c’est cool ! C’est de l’eau mais c’est unisexe. 

WILLOW : Je trouve très mignon que toi et ton père vous ayez une tradition. Surtout maintenant qu’il vit dans une autre ville. Vas-y molo sur le caramel avec les popcorns s’il t’emmène en coulisses. 

ALEX : Hey, si on parlait un peu de cette fête. Je pense qu’on est nombreux à vouloir célébrer l’anniversaire de la grande Buffy. 

BUFFY : Ça j’en sais rien. Je pense qu’il serait peut-être temps de mettre un oratoire sur les fêtes en mon honneur. Oui, à chaque fois ça a mal tourné. Monstres sanglants. Morts par dizaines. 

WILLOW : Dix-huit ans ? C’est, c’est une étape Buffy. Je veux dire, tu vas voter maintenant. Et tu pourras être élue. Tu pourras voter pour ne pas être élue aussi. 

BUFFY : Je crois que je célébrerai mes dix-huit ans dans la méditation. 

ALEX : Et c’est écrit où que la méditation est incompatible avec des gâteaux et des confettis ? 

Joyce qui est dans sa cuisine en train de préparer, entend une porte se refermée.

JOYCE : Buffy ? 

BUFFY : Présente. (Elle entre dans la cuisine, voit les fleurs et un ballon d’anniversaire, elle sourit). Oh, présente ! 

JOYCE : Oh, ce n’est pas de moi. Ça vient de ton père. (Buffy trouve des billets pour le ballet sur la glace. Elle est déçue). Il, il est en plein bilan trimestriel et il ne peut pas s’absenter en ce moment. Il promet de se rattraper très bientôt et il te dit tout dans sa lettre. (Sa fille plie la lettre et les billets pour les jetter). Si tu veux, je peux demander à quelqu’un de remplacer à la galerie. Enfin, je peux on, on peut y aller toutes les deux. 

BUFFY : Non. Non, c’est pas nécessaire. Je m'étais dit justement que j’avais envie d’un anniversaire tranquille. (Elle s’en va, attristée).

Une nuit, dans une vieille maison abandonnée de la ville, un homme mure les fenêtres. Quentin Travers un membre du Conseil des Observateurs, se tourne vers un autre qui descend des escaliers, éclairer par le feu de cheminée.

QUENTIN : Combien de temps encore, Hobson ? 

HOBSON : Cinq, peut être six heures, monsieur. (Ils vont dans une autre pièce).

QUENTIN : Lorsque vous aurez fini, toi et Blair vous pourrez vous reposer. Vous dormirez à tour de rôle. (Hobson et lui, regardent une grande caisse en bois cadenasser, un peu plus loin). Nous sommes très proches. La préparation de la Tueuse est presque achevée. 

Giles sort des cristaux d’une boite et les poses sur la table de la bibliothèque. Buffy est assise auprès de lui.

BUFFY : Vous savez, il n’y a pas que des personnages de dessins animés. Il y a aussi des extraits d’opéra et de ballets. Voir Brian Boitano jouer Carmen, ça vous change une vie. Oh, en fait il ne joue pas Carmen, mais il y a des gens très sophistiquées et très cultivées qui y vont. 

GILES : Oui, je pense que nous devrions reprendre à nouveau le cristal. (Il pose le large cristal bleu devant sa protégée). 

BUFFY : C’est vrai que le plus souvent on y va en famille voir ce genre de chose. 

GILES : Regarde très attentivement s’il n’y aurait pas une faille dedans. 

BUFFY : Quelqu’un de libre irait sans doute avec...sa fille ou son...son élève...ou sa Tueuse.

GILES : Oui, mais, nous devons nous concentrer maintenant. Cherche la faille au centre du cristal. (La Tueuse finit par obéir, elle se concentre et semble subitement hypnotisée par le cristal). Buffy ?...Buffy ? (Il sort une boite de sa sacoche et prend une seringue. Il injecte un produit dans le bras de son élève puis il range tout son matériel. Il s’assoit, passe sa main devant le visage de Buffy, qui revient à elle).

BUFFY : Oh, pardon. J’étais dans la lune. Je suis bizarre. Je couve encore cette grippe. 

GILES : Tu devais aller soigner ça. Peut-être devrions nous... 

BUFFY : Arrêter ? Oui...vous avez raison. Merci. (Elle se lève et s’éloigne).

GILES : Bonne nuit. 

Le lendemain matin, Willow et sa meilleure amie discutent dans la cour du lycée.

BUFFY : Comment ça va avec Amy le rat ? 

WILLOW : Bien ! Elle s’éclate dans une nouvelle roue. Elle court, elle remue son petit nez... 

BUFFY : Non, je veux dire, y a-t-il une chance pour qu’elle retrouve bientôt une apparence humaine ? 

WILLOW : Oh. On y travaille encore. Oh mais je viens de lui acheter une ravissante petite clochette. Elle est... (Elles regardent un garçon qui hurle sur Cordélia).

GARCON : Et moi on ne me fait pas ce genre de truc ! Je t’ai attendue au Bronze toute la nuit ! 

CORDELIA : Oui, bon, et alors ? 

GARCON : Et moi je suis passé pour quoi aux yeux de mes potes ? Pour un imbécile ? (Il attrape le bras de Cordélia mais elle le repousse).

CORDELIA : Premièrement, tous tes potes ? C’est une bande de crétins ! Deuxièmement, n’importe qui ayant une cuillerée de cervelle sait qu’il ne faut pas prendre mes flirts au sérieux. Et en plus je te signale que j’ai des circonstances atténuantes. 

GARCON : Quelles circonstances ? 

CORDELIA : T’es qu’une pauvre nouille ! Réfléchis un peu ! (Elle s’éloigne mais il lui attrape le bras à nouveau).

GARCON : Hey ! J’ai pas fini ! (Il plaque la jeune femme contre un arbre. Buffy pose sa main sur l’épaule de l’étudiant).

BUFFY : Oh, je parie le contraire. (Elle essaye de le repousser mais elle n’y arrive pas, il est trop fort pour elle. Le jeune homme la pousse, Buffy tombe sur un banc et percute le sol. Cordélia pousse l’étudiant).

CORDELIA : Qu’est-ce que t’as ? Tu deviens fou ? (Elle le frappe à la poitrine).

GARCON : Aïe. C’est sa faute. C’est elle qui... (Cordélia le frappe encore). Ah ! (Willow s’agenouille près de Buffy pour l’aider à la relever). 

WILLOW : Ça va ? (La Tueuse se rassoit. Quelques minutes plus tard, elle rejoint Giles en courant, dans un couloir).

BUFFY : Giles, je viens d’être battue par un nul et, et secourue par Cordélia. Je voudrais savoir ce qui m’arrive. 

GILES : Je suis sûr que ça va s’arranger. 

BUFFY : Oh, je crois que vous n’avez pas pigé la situation. Je, je n’ai plus aucune force. Je n’ai plus de coordination. Et je lance les couteaux comme... 

GILES : Une fille ? 

BUFFY : En tout cas plus comme une Tueuse. 

GILES : Hum, écoute, Buffy je, je t’assure que...avec le temps je pense que nous comprendrons sans doute les raisons de cette...anomalie.

BUFFY : Promettez le moi. 

GILES : Oui. Oui, tu as ma parole. (Il esquisse un sourire pour la rassurer et part).

Plus tard, Giles et Quentin boivent le thé, assis près du feu de cheminée dans la maison abandonnée.

QUENTIN : Tu as des doutes ? Le Cruciamentum n’est pas facile...ni pour la Tueuse ni pour l’Observateur. Mais c’est un rite immuable depuis une douzaine de siècles. Lorsqu’une Tueuse atteint dix-huit ans, il est temps pour elle de passer l’épreuve. 

GILES : C’est un exercice archaïque et cruel. La cloîtrer dans cette...tombe...fragile et sans défense. Et de lâcher ça sur elle. (Il se tourne vers la grande boîte cadenassée).Si un des membres du Conseil était encore en contact avec une Tueuse, il comprendrait, mais je suis le seul en activité. 

QUENTIN : C’est pourquoi vous n’êtes pas qualifié pour prendre cette décision. 

GILES : C’est faux. 

QUENTIN : Etre une Tueuse n’est pas seulement faire des prouesses physiques. Elle doit avoir de la ruse, de l’imagination, une assurance émanant d’une grande confiance en soi. Et croyez-moi lorsque tout ceci sera fini, Buffy n’en sera que plus forte. 

GILES : Oui, à moins qu’elle n’en meurt. (Ils se dirigent vers la porte, un peu plus tard).

QUENTIN : Rupert, si cette fille est tout ce que vous dites, vous n’avez rien à craindre. (Giles s’en va. Hobson se tourne vers Quentin).

HOBSON : Monsieur, si vous pouviez vous passer de moi un moment, je voudrai aller à la quincaillerie acheter quelques... (Des hurlements provenant de la grande caisse, se fait entendre).

QUENTIN : Occupez-vous de lui. (Hobson et Blair s’approchent de la caisse et l’ouvre avec nervosité. Un vampire est retenue prisonnier dans une camisole de force. La créature se débat et grogne). Du calme. Du calme. (Blair tend des cachets au vampire, à l’aide d’une grande cuillère).

BLAIR : Kralik, tes cachets. Ouvre la bouche. (Le vampire ouvre la bouche, Blair lui donne les pilules et lui fait boire une gorgée d’eau).

QUENTIN : Referme la porte. Ça suffit. (Ils referment la caisse).

Buffy et ses amis font des recherches à la bilbiothèque, pour essayer de comprendre ce qui arrive à la Tueuse.

WILLOW : Ah, ha ! Un sort sur les Tueuses. (Buffy est intéressée). Ah, non. Attends. C’est sur les voleuses. 

ALEX : Vous savez, c’est peut-être pas une bonne piste tous ces trucs de sortilèges et de malédiction. Peut-être que ce qu’on devrait chercher c’est une sorte de...kryptonite de la Tueuse. 

OZ : Curieuse métaphore. La kryptonite tue. 

ALEX : Tu penses que je parlais de la kryptonite verte. Je faisais référence, bien sûr, à la kryptonite rouge qui enlève à Superman tous ses pouvoirs. 

OZ : Faux. Il n’y a que la kryptonite dorée qui annule tous ses pouvoirs. La kryptonite rouge le change en espèce de truc bizarre... 

BUFFY : Si on revenait à la réalité ? (Elle s’assoit sur les escaliers. Willow la suit).

WILLOW : Buffy. Je sais, je suis persuadée que tu vas très vite retrouver tous tes pouvoirs. 

BUFFY : Merci, Willow.

WILLOW : Et si tu ne les retrouves pas ? 

BUFFY : Oh, bah...eh bien si mes pouvoirs ne revenaient pas, j’en sais rien. Je, je m’y ferai. Il faut voir le positif de tout ça. 

WILLOW : Oui, en fait, ça ouvre plein de possibilités et... (Giles entre, Buffy le rejoint).

BUFFY : Vous avez trouvé ? 

GILES : Euh, non. Pas encore. 

Hobson et Blair sont allonger dans la maison abandonnée mais Kralik remue et hurle dans sa boîte.

HOBSON : C’est ton tour. (Blair se lève et finit par ouvrir la caisse).

KRALIK : Mes cachets ! 

BLAIR : Oui. (Il remplit un verre d’eau dans la cuisine, tandis que le vampire se débat en hurlant). Oui, voilà. Ça vient ! (Il retourne auprès de la créature).

KRALIK : Cachets ! (Blair tend les pilules avec sa grande cuillère).

BLAIR : Allez, prends les. 

KRALIK : Cachets ! 

BLAIR : Ils sont juste devant toi. 

KRALIK : Où ça ?  

BLAIR : Là ! 

KRALIK : Je ne vois rien...je ne...approche. (Blair s’avance à peine).

BLAIR : Là, ouvre les yeux. (Kralik à réussit à se défaire de sa camisole, il tend le bras et étrangle le jeune homme).

KRALIK : Chut. Ca y est. C’est fini. 

Angel et Buffy sont assis sur le sol du manoir, près de la cheminée alors qu’il fait nuit dehors. La jeune femme reçoit un cadeau, elle le débat, c’est un livre de poème.

BUFFY : Merci. C’est magnifique. 

ANGEL : Ça te plaît ? 

BUFFY : Oui, bien sûr. Et puis c’est gentil et respectueux...et plein de mots anciens à apprendre et à dire, c’est poétique et instructif. 

ANGEL : Tu semblais plus excitée l’an dernier quand tu as reçu un bras dans une boite. 

BUFFY : Je suis désolée. Mais tout à coup il y a des chances que ma carrière de Tueuse soit compromise. Alors je suis un peu, déboussolée. 

ANGEL : Oui, je peux comprendre. 

BUFFY : Angel, qu’est-ce que je ferai si je perds mes pouvoirs ? 

ANGEL : Tu as vécu longtemps sans. Tu le feras à nouveau. 

BUFFY : Sans doute. Mais si je n’y arrivai pas ? J’ai vu tant de choses horribles. Je sais ce qui se murmure dans la nuit. Si je ne peux plus combattre...je ferai quoi ? J’irai me planquer sous mon lit, mourant de peur, sans défense ? Je serai pitoyable. Et pourquoi pas dans une maison de retraite pour Tueuse où je passerai mon temps à raconter à tout le monde mes heures de gloire, en montrant monsieur Pointu que j’aurai fait couler dans le bronze. 

ANGEL : Buffy, tu ne pourras jamais être pitoyable ou sans défense même si tu le voulais.  (La Tueuse se lève et s’éloigne lentement).

BUFFY : N’en sois pas si sûr. (Elle appuie son dos contre une table). Avant que je sois une Tueuse, j’étais...eh bah je, je ne voudrais pas dire superficielle, mais...disons qu’une certaine personne, dont je ne dirai pas le nom, tiens, appelons la Spordélia…aurait eu l’air d’un philosophe grec à côté de moi. Angel, si je ne suis plus une Tueuse, qu’est-ce que je vais faire ? Qu’est-ce que j’ai à offrir ? Pourquoi est-ce que tu m’aimerais ? 

ANGEL : Je t’avais déjà vue avant que tu ne deviennes la Tueuse. 

BUFFY : Quoi ? 

ANGEL : Je te surveillais. J’ai été témoin de ton appel. C’était un après-midi ensoleillé devant ton école. Tu descendais les escaliers...et...je t’ai aimée. 

BUFFY : Pourquoi ? 

ANGEL : Parce que je voyais ton coeur. (Il se lève). Tu le portais devant toi pour que tout le monde le vois. (Il s’approche d’elle). Et j’ai eu peur qu’il soit brisé ou déchiré. Et j’ai voulu plus que tout dans ma vie le protéger du mal. Le réchauffer contre le mien. (Buffy se blottis contre lui.

BUFFY : C’est si beau Angel. Ou au sens littéral, si affreusement beau. 

ANGEL : Oui, c’est vrai. 

Kralik fredonne et se lèche les doigts, alors qu’il est toujours ligoter dans sa caisse. Blair est par terre, il se change en vampire et se relève.

KRALIK : Ah, tu te réveilles. J’ai eu peur de t’avoir un peu trop saigné. Parfois je perds le contrôle. Tu n’as jamais eu une rengaine qui te trotte dans la tête ? Tu l’entends encore et encore et tu ne peux pas t’en défaire ? Ça me rend dingue. (Blair prend une hache et libère le vampire). Ah. Merci. Oh. C’est...beaucoup mieux. (Il avale plusieurs comprimés). Hum. C’est un jeu, tu sais. On ne va pas jouer selon les règles mais...on va quand même bien s’amuser.  Tiens. (Il indique la pièce où se trouve Hobson). Va donc chercher ton ami. On discutera pendant le dîner. (Un peu plus tard, Giles entre dans la demeure). GILES : Quentin ? (Il fait le tour de la maison). Y a quelqu’un ? Quentin ? Hobs... (Il pose sa main sur une rambarde pleine de sang. Il s’empare d’un barreau et ouvre la grande caisse, qui est vide. Il suit des traînées de sang et tombe sur le cadavre mutiler d’Hobson. Le bibliothécaire est sous le choc, pris de nausée, il quitte la bâtisse pour prendre l’air).

Buffy rentre chez elle, un peu anxieuse. Elles passent près de deux hommes.

UN HOMME : Mignonne ! 


UN HOMME : Attends, laisse-moi faire. Hey, fillette. (La jeune femme s’arrête). Combien tu prends pour une danse avec moi et mon pote ? (Buffy repart).

L'AUTRE HOMME : Elle fiche le camp. Elle a la trouille. 

BUFFY : Me ramener à la maison, Angel. Non, ça va aller. Je sais me défendre. (Elle s’arrête au bout de quelques pas, car elle entend des fredonnements. Elle se retourne pour être sûr qu’elle n’est pas suivit). Non, c’est pas vrai. Ils savent pas chanter ces crétins. Trop soûles pour se souvenir des paroles. (Elle reprend la marche mais elle tombe sur Kralik, qui c’est changer en vampire).

KRALIK : Je ne suis pas soûle mais ma pauvre tête à quelques ratés parfois. 

BUFFY : Laissez-moi partir. (Il la retient).

KRALIK : Tu n’as pas dit, s’il te plaît. (La Tueuse se débat et s’enfuit mais Kralik lui prend son manteau. Blair court après elle).

BUFFY : Aidez-moi !! Au secours !! Aidez-moi !! Non ! Laissez-moi ! Laissez-moi ! Pitié !  (Elle court dans une allée, poursuivit par le vampire). Aidez-moi ! Pitié ! Aidez-moi ! (Elle s’enfuit, passe par un grillage et tombe sur une route. Une voiture roule). Stop ! S’il vous plaît ! Aidez-moi ! (Le véhicule ne s’arrête pas mais une autre voiture arrive). Arrêtez, s’il vous plaît ! (C’est Giles qui est au volant, il s’arrête et ouvre une portière).

GILES : Monte ! (Buffy monte et la voiture file à toute vitesse sous les yeux de Kralik).

Un peu plus tard, Buffy est assise émue, blessée et emmitouflée d’une couverture, dans la bibliothèque. Son Protecteur est auprès d’elle.

BUFFY : Quand je l’ai frappé, j’ai eu l’impression d’avoir le bras cassé, ça faisait si mal. Je ne peux être une fille normale. Je, je peux pas être faible et sans défense. Je vous en prie, il faut trouver ce qui m’arrive. (Giles prend sa sacoche et sort une boîte, il l’ouvre. Buffy découvre une seringue).

GILES : C’est un composé organique...de myorelaxant et, et de bétabloquant. Les effets sont temporaires. Ils disparaîtront dans quelques jours. (La Tueuse est sous le choc et en larme).

BUFFY :...Vous ? 

GILES : C’est un test, Buffy. Ceci est administré à la Tueuse lorsqu’elle...si elle atteint sa dix-huitième année, la Tueuse, ainsi privée de ses pouvoirs, est enfermée avec un vampire qu’elle doit vaincre afin de réussir le test. Le vampire que tu devais affronter...s’est échappé. Son nom est Zackary Kralik. Quand il était mortel, il a assassiné et torturé plus d’une douzaine de femmes avant d’être enfermé dans un asile d’aliénés pour criminels. Ensuite un vampire l’a... (Buffy se lève et lance la boite à seringue sur le mur). 

BUFFY : Vous êtes monstrueux. Vous saviez pendant tout ce temps et vous m’avez empoisonnée. Vous saviez ce qui m’arrivait et vous m’avez rien dit ! 

GILES : Je le voulais. 

BUFFY : Menteur. (Elle pleure et elle est en colère).

GILES : En matière de tradition et de protocole, je dépends de la volonté du Conseil. Mon rôle dans tout ceci...était très spécifique. Je devais t’administrer les injections et te conduire jusqu’à ce vieil immeuble sur Prescott Lane. 

BUFFY : Arrêtez ! Arrêtez, je refuse d’entendre ça. (Elle secoue la tête).

GILES : Buffy, je t’en prie. 

BUFFY : Qui êtes-vous ? Comment avez-vous pu me faire ça à moi ? 

GILES : Je suis profondément désolé. Tu dois comprendre... (Il fait un pas vers elle mais elle se recule).

BUFFY : Si vous me touchez, je vous tue. (Dit-elle hargneusement).

GILES : (implore) Tu dois m’écouter. A cause de ce que je viens de te dire, le test est invalidé. Tu n’auras plus rien à craindre, je te le promets. Peu importe ce que j’aurais à faire pour vaincre Kralik...et pour regagner ta confiance... 

BUFFY : Vous m’avez trompée ! Empoisonnée et trompée ! (Cordélia entre et s’avance vers eux).

CORDELIA : Qu’est-ce qui vous arrive ?...Oh, mon dieu. Le monde s’écroule ? J’ai des recherches à faire, j’ai un devoir sur la Bosnie pour demain, mais si le monde s’effondre, je ne vais pas me donner cette peine. (La Tueuse se dirige vers la sortie).

GILES : (désespérément) Tu ne dois pas rentrer seule chez toi, Buffy. C’est trop risqué. (Buffy s’arrête).

BUFFY : Je ne vous connais pas. 

CORDELIA : (se retourne vers Giles) Elle a perdu la mémoire ? (se tourne vers Buffy) C’est Giles. Giiillles. Il traîne toujours ici. 

BUFFY : Cordélia, est-ce que tu peux me raccompagner, s’il te plaît ? 

CORDELIA : Si tu veux. (Buffy s’en va). Mais il me faudra un mot d’excuse. Si c’est pas trop vous demander. (Elle part). 

Joyce est assise dans sa salle à manger, elle range quelques papiers mais elle entend du bruit. Elle se lève et va dehors.

JOYCE : Buffy ? (Une personne est allongé, recouvert par le manteau de sa fille. Elle se baisse mais Kralik se découvre et lui sourit. Elle se recule, effrayée).

KRALIK : Maman. (Plus tard, Buffy entre par la porte de la cuisine. Elle jette le bouquet que lui a envoyée son père. Elle finit par se rendre compte que la porte d’entrée est ouverte et qu’une photo y est accrochée. Kralik pose avec Joyce, qui est bâillonné. La jeune femme rassemble des pieux, des armes et de l’eau bénite dans un sac et part). 

Joyce est attachée et baillonée sur une chaise, dans la cave de la vieille demeure ou Kralik était enfermer. Le vampire prend des photos de sa prisonnière.

KRALIK : Maman. (Il la prend en photo). Puis-je vous appeler Maman ? Ma propre mère était une personne sans respect pour elle-même. Ni pour moi d’ailleurs. J’avais dix ans. Et vous n’imaginez pas ce qu’elle m’a fait avec une paire de ciseaux. Maintenant, pour moi elle est morte. Pas seulement parce que je l’ai tuée et dévorée, mais parce que je sais que je ne serai plus seul bien longtemps. J’aurai votre fille. Je ne vais pas la tuer. Je vais seulement la rendre comme moi. Différente. Elle ira dormir, et à son réveil, votre visage sera la première chose qu’elle dévorera. (Joyce a peur). J’ai toujours eu un problème avec les mères. (Il rit. Buffy finit par entrer dans la maison avec discrétion. Elle met un pieu pour bloquer la porte d’entrée mais alors qu’elle inspecte les pièces, la porte d’entrée, se referme. Blair a retirer le pieu).

Giles est au téléphone dans son bureau, à la bibliothèque mais Quentin entre dans la pièce.

GILES : J’essayais de vous joindre. 

QUENTIN : Ah. J’étais de garde devant l’immeuble ce soir.

GILES : Alors vous savez ce qui est arrivé. 


GILES : Il a tué Hobson et fait de Blair l’un des siens. Votre test parfaitement contrôlé est ce soir, semble-t-il, imprévisible et hors de tout contrôle. Qu’en dites-vous ? 

QUENTIN : Ça ne change rien. (Il se sert un thé).

GILES : Je ne suis pas de votre avis. J’ai tout dit à Buffy. 

QUENTIN : Vous avez eu tort. C’est une opposition directe aux ordres du Conseil.

GILES : Oui. Chose intéressante, je me fiche totalement des ordres du Conseil. Il n’y aura pas de test. 

QUENTIN : Le test a déjà commencé. Votre Tueuse est sur le terrain de jeu depuis dix bonnes minutes. 

GILES : Pourquoi ? 

QUENTIN : Je n’en sais rien. Je suis parti au moment où elle entrait. (Giles prend ses clés et s’éloignent). Giles, nous n’avons pas à intervenir... (Giles l’attrape par le col de sa veste).

GILES : Ceci n’est pas un jeu ! (Il part à toute vitesse).

Pendant ce temps, Buffy continue d’avancer avec prudence dans la maison ou sa mère est retenue en otage. Blair surgit en face d’elle, elle tire une flèche avec son arbalète mais elle manque sa cible. Buffy part en courant et se réfugie dans une pièce, elle finit par assommer son ennemi. Elle marche lentement dans le couloir mais elle entend la voix de Kralik.

KRALIK : Je te vois...cherche-moi. (La Tueuse découvre que certaine porte ont été murée. Kralik apparaît et lui sert la gorge). Pourquoi venir te perdre dans la sombre forêt ? (Il prend le sac remplit d’arme de la jeune femme). Tu apportes ces délicieuses gâteries à mère-grand ? (Buffy le repousse et sort une croix, tremblante mais le vampire attrape la main de la Tueuse et pose l’objet sur son ventre ce qui le brûle un peu). Ah, non. Juste un peu plus bas. (baisse la croix) A droite...Oh, oui. Oui. Oh. Oooh ! C’était parfait. (Buffy part et s’enferme dans une autre pièce. Son adversaire essaye de défoncer la porte mais il finit par s’arrêter. La Tueuse repart et s’engage dans les escaliers mais Kralik la fait tomber. Elle lui plante un bout de bois dans le bras et va dans le couloir. Elle entre dans une pièce et l’allume, elle est recouverte de photo de sa mère. Elle s’en va mais son adversaire se met en face d’elle). Si tu t’écartes du bon chemin, tu risques de te perdre. (Après quelques minutes de lutte, il s’approche du cou de l’étudiante). Je ne boirai pas tout. Je te jure. (L’élue se débat mais le vampire à des maux de tête, il se recule. Buffy essaye de s’échapper mais il la repousse. La créature prend sa boîte de cachets mais la Tueuse s’en empare et court). Non ! Non ! (Au bout de quelques minutes, la jeune femme atterrît à la cave et trouve sa mère, ligoter et bâillonner).

JOYCE : Buffy ? (Sa fille la rejoint). Buffy, il faut qu’on sorte d’ici... (Buffy essaye de libérer sa mère mais elle ne réussit pas arracher les liens de celle-ci. Kralik défonce la porte et entre dans la pièce).

KRALIK : Mes cachets ! Donne les moi ! (Il attrape sa boîte de pilule, il en prend quelques cachets et boit un peu d’eau. Il se calme et s’approche de la Tueuse). Tu, tu ne, tu ne sembles pas comprendre ton rôle dans tout ceci. Tu n’as aucune idée de... (Il s’arrête). J’ai mal !  Qu’est-ce que tu as...mes cachets ! (Buffy lui monter un flacon d’eau bénite, vide. Le vampire se tient le ventre et tremble). Non. Non. Non... (Il brûle un peu).

BUFFY : Désolée. Si j’avais eu tous mes pouvoirs, ça aurait été moins dur pour toi de mourir. 

KRALIK : Non ! Non ! (Il se désintègre. La Tueuse rejoint sa mère et lui retire le bâillon. Puis elle essaye de la délivrée).

JOYCE : Dieu merci, tu es saine et sauve. Oh, ce monstre... 

BUFFY : Je ne peux pas les défaire. C’est trop serré. 

JOYCE : Mais si tu pourrais... 

BUFFY : Non. Attends. (Elle regarde autour d’elle). Il y a bien une paire de ciseaux par ici. (Elle fouille la pièce mais Blair surgit en face d’elle).

JOYCE : Buffy ! (Giles intervient et se bat contre la créature. Il finit par le tuer puis ils regardent sa protégée). 

Dans la bibliothèque, Giles et Quentin sont en face de la Tueuse, qui est assise près de la table.

QUENTIN : Félicitations, vous avez réussi le test. Vous avez montré un courage extraordinaire et une intelligence hors du commun dans ce combat. Le Conseil est très satisfait. 

BUFFY : J’aurai la croix de guerre ? (Dit-elle avec une pointe de colère).

QUENTIN : Je comprends que votre amertume... 

BUFFY : Vous ne comprenez rien du tout. Vous avez lâché ce monstre et il est venu s’en prendre à ma mère. 

QUENTIN : Vous pensez que ce test était injuste ? 

BUFFY : Je pense que vous feriez bien de quitter la ville avant que mes forces ne reviennent. 

QUENTIN : Ce n’est pas une question de justice, mademoiselle Summers. Nous sommes en guerre. 

GILES : Vous dirigez une guerre. Elle, elle se bat. Là est la différence. 

QUENTIN : Monsieur Giles, je vous en prie... 

GILES : Le test est terminé. Nous avons terminé. 

QUENTIN : Pas encore. Elle a bien réussi. Vous non. (Il se tourne vers Giles). La Tueuse n’est pas la seule à être jugée lors de cette épreuve. J’ai recommandé au Conseil et il en a été d’accord, que vous soyez relevé de vos fonctions d’Observateur sur le champ. Vous êtes viré. (L’élue regarde son Protecteur).

GILES : Et pour quelle raison ? 

QUENTIN : Votre affection pour la Tueuse vous a rendu incapable d’avoir un jugement clair et impartial. Vous avez l’amour d’un père pour cette enfant et c’est inutile à notre cause. Il vaudrait mieux que vous n’ayez plus de contact avec elle. 

GILES : Il est hors de question que je m’en aille. 

QUENTIN : Oh, je savais que vous répondriez ce genre de chose. Si vous interférez avec le nouvel Observateur, ou contre son autorité d’une façon ou d’une autre, nous vous le ferons regretter. Suis-je assez clair ? 

GILES : Oh, très clair. 

QUENTIN : Je vous félicite encore une fois. (Dit-il à la jeune femme).

BUFFY : Pas moi ! (Dit-elle en serrant les dents et le regard noir). 

QUENTIN : Oui, vous avez...beaucoup de caractère. (Il part. Buffy à une plaie ouverte sur le front, elle sursaute et renifle lorsqu’elle la touche. Elle prend un linge mouillée pour se soignée mais Giles s’avance, s’accroupit près d’elle et prend le chiffon. Il applique délicatement le linge sur la blessure de Buffy, qui a mal. Elle regarde le bibliothécaire, qui prend soin d’elle). 

Buffy, ses amies et sa mère sont réunies dans la cuisine des Summers. Ils préparent des sandwichs.

WILLOW : J’arrive pas à croire que Giles soit viré. Comment Giles peut-il être viré ? 

OZ : Alors, comment t’as fait pour tuer Kralik ? 

JOYCE : Oh, elle a été très rusée. Vas-y, toi, raconte. Si, si, tu racontes mieux. 

WILLOW : Non, quand tu dis viré, c’est vraiment viré ? 

ALEX : Viré c’est viré. Allez, on change de conversation. Tu nous soûles. 

WILLOW : Bah, c’est que...s’il a été viré il, il est au chômage ! Il est...demandeur d’emploi. 

BUFFY : Giles restera bibliothécaire. Il ne s’en ira pas. 

WILLOW : Mais j’écrirai une lettre de protestation. 

BUFFY : En fait, rien ne changera. L’important c’est d’avoir respecté ma maléfique tradition d’anniversaire de sanglantes misères et horreur. 

OZ : Il y a un bon côté à tout. (Buffy prend un pot de beurre de cacahuète et essaye de l’ouvrir).

BUFFY : Je me sentirai mieux quand j’aurai retrouvé mes forces. 

ALEX : Voulez-vous de l’aide, jeune fille ? Donne ça. (La Tueuse lui donne le pot).

BUFFY : Ouais, merci. Ça a l’air de te faire plaisir. 

ALEX : Admets le. (Il essaie de l’ouvrir). Parfois ça sert un homme balèze. (Il sourit et essaye d’ouvrir le pot de toutes ses forces). Euh, Willow, tu me donnes un coup de main?

~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

Angel's mansion. The lights are low. The logs in the fireplace are
burning steadily. Candles are lit throughout the room. The camera pans
across a blanket upon which are the remains of a cozy picnic dinner.

Suddenly Buffy hits the floor in front of the fireplace hard on her
back. She has her right knee pulled up to her chest. Angel crouches over
her, holding himself up with his arms and grinning down at her. She uses
her leg to throw Angel over her head. He flips backward and lands flat
on his back. Buffy does a kick-up, bringing her up to a standing
position, and spins around to face Angel as he gets to his feet. He
hesitates for a moment before lunging at her with a wide punch that she
easily ducks. She comes up behind him, and he turns around to face her.
He tries a left-hand punch, but she inner form blocks it and flies into
a half-spinning in-to-out crescent kick. Angel ducks it, but gets
knocked off his feet when Buffy keeps on spinning downwards with a back
leg sweep, sending him to the floor. She scrambles to grab a baguette
from the blanket and rolls toward Angel. She comes up straddling him at
the waist and plunges the long, thin loaf at his chest, stopping just
short of penetration.

Buffy: Gotcha!

Angel: (defeated) Uhh! Right in the heart.

Buffy: (smiling) Satisfied?

Angel: I'm not sure that's the word.

Buffy: (taken aback) Okay.

She sets aside the baguette, stands up and takes a few steps away.

Buffy: I didn't mean 'satisfied' like...

He grabs the baguette and gets up also.

Angel: No, I, I wasn't trying to...

Buffy: (awkwardly) 'Cause we're not having satisfaction in the personal

Angel: Of course. (exhales)

Buffy: (smiles) I should go. (walks past him) Giles is...

Angel: (turns with her) ...is waiting for you. (Buffy faces him) I

Buffy: (smiling) Thanks. For the workout.

Angel: (nods) Um, am I gonna see you this weekend? You, uh, you-you
probably have plans.

Buffy: Right, birthday. Um, actually, I, I do have a thing.

Angel: Oh, a thing. (trying to be cool) A date?

Buffy: (nods) Nice attempt at casual. Actually, I do have a date.
(steps closer) Older man. Very handsome. He likes it when I call him

Angel: (smiles) Huh, your father. (frowns) It is your father, right?

She gives him a big reassuring grin and nods.

Buffy: He's taking me to the ice show. (Angel sighs with relief) Which
should be big fun. I could use a little fun.

Cut to the library. Buffy is sitting at the table while Giles dangles a
pink crystal in front of her. She plays with a long, thin, translucent
one. There is a rather large collection of crystals of various colors,
shapes and sizes on the table.

Giles: This one?

Buffy: Amethyst.

Giles: Used for?

Buffy: Breath mints? (looks up at him)

Giles: (exasperated) Charm bags, money spells, and for cleansing one's

Buffy: Okay, so how do you know if one's aura's dirty? Somebody come by
with a finger and write (gestures with her crystal) 'wash me' on it?

Giles sets down his crystal, takes off his glasses and props his arms on
the table, leaning toward Buffy.

Giles: (seriously) Buffy, I'm aware of your distaste for studying
vibratory stones, but since it is part of your training, I would
appreciate your glib-free attention.

Buffy: Sorry. It's just with Faith on one of her unannounced
walkabouts, I feel like somebody should be patrolling.

Giles: (looks over the crystals) Well, Faith is not interested in
proper training, so I must rely on you to keep up with yours.

Buffy: I hate being the good one.

Giles: And as for patrolling, well, you'll be there soon enough.
(suddenly curious) Why so anxious?

Buffy: I guess it... (suddenly self-conscious about her crystal,
quickly puts it down) I just have some... energy to burn.

Giles: Well, in due time, (puts his glasses on) but, uh, for the
present, (selects the largest blue crystal) if it's not entirely beyond
your capabilities, (sets it in front of Buffy) try to concentrate.

Buffy sighs and stares into the crystal.

Cut to a playground later that night. A vampire front rolls down the
slide and onto the ground. Buffy runs down the slide after him and stops
next to him in a ready stance.

Buffy: Wow, that was really funny-looking! (grins widely) Could you do
it again?

Vampire: I'll kill you for that. (jumps up)

Buffy: For that? What were you trying to kill me for before?

The vampire swings at her, but she ducks it and comes up behind him. He
faces her just in time to take a roundhouse kick in the shoulder. He
swings again, but she ducks it and punches him in the gut, then rises
back up and backhand punches him in the head. Then she shoves him back a
step so she can follow up with a half-spinning wheel kick, making the
vampire stumble back and fall onto the carousel. She strides toward him.

Buffy: Okay, so here's the deal. (raises her stake)

Suddenly she is overcome by dizziness. She closes her eyes and steps
back unsteadily, almost as though in pain. The vampire seizes the
opening and rushes her, grabs her by the jacket, swings her around and
throws her onto a picnic table. She rolls off of it and onto the ground.
The vampire jumps on top of her, straddling her. She turns her head away
in fright. He grabs her right wrist with one hand and with the other
grabs her hand and twists it around, hurting her and making her cry out.
Her stake is now pointed at her own chest, and the vampire uses his
weight to slowly push it down at her.

Vampire: Lemme know if I'm not doing this right.

Her eyes go wide with terror as she struggles desperately with him.

Opening credits roll. Buffy's theme plays.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 1 ~~~~~~~~~~

The playground. The vampire straddling Buffy leans hard on the stake,
slowly pushing it closer to Buffy's chest. She struggles hard to keep
him at bay, but she's losing the battle. In a desperate attempt to get
him off of her, she head butts the vampire. He is slightly stunned and
stops pushing down on the stake, but remains on top of her. She then
slaps him in the face hard and shoves him off of her. He rolls away and
onto all fours. Buffy scrambles to get the stake, rolls back onto her
back and braces the stake against her chest pointing upward. The vampire
jumps to his feet and lunges angrily for her, landing on top of her and
impaling himself. He explodes into a cloud of ashes. Buffy waits a
moment before she raises herself into a sitting position. She brushes
some of the dust from her jacket and takes a few breaths before standing

Cut to Sunnydale High the next morning. Cut to the library. Buffy stands
by the table concentrating on a target she set up against the railing of
the stack level. She raises a knife and throws it. It glances off of the
target and clinks as it hits the floor. Giles comes into the library
with his briefcase and a cup of coffee and heads toward his office.

Giles: Bit early in the day. (sips his coffee)

Buffy: Giles, something's wrong.

Giles: (stops) Wrong?

He sees the target with a few knives stuck awkwardly into it. None of
them are anywhere near the center.

Giles: Ah. Perhaps you shouldn't... (Buffy throws a knife and misses)
...do that anymore. (sets down his briefcase)

Buffy: On top of that, I got a bad case of the dizzies last night and
almost let a vamp stake me. With my own stake!

Giles sips his coffee again as Buffy throws yet another knife. It flies

Buffy: I'm way off my game. (Giles sips again) My game's left the
country. It's in Cuernavaca. Giles, what's going on here?

Giles: (sits) Well, perhaps you've got a bad flu bug or something.

Buffy: No. No, not sick. I *can't* get sick. My dad's coming to take me
to the ice show. We do it every year for my birthday. If I cancel, it's
gonna break his heart.

Giles: Well, just, um, take it easy for forty-eight hours. You know,
forego patrolling until you feel yourself again.

He gets up again and goes to get his briefcase. Buffy picks up a couple
more knives from the table.

Buffy: No. No, I just need to spend a little more time training.

She throws one. This time it goes very wild and breaks one of the
reading lamps. Giles didn't see it, but he sure heard it.

Buffy: I'm gone! (turns and leaves)

Giles: Thank you!

He goes into his office without looking at the damage.

Cut outside to the lunch tables. Oz, Xander, Willow and Buffy are

Xander: An ice show? A show performed on ice. And how old are we again?

Willow: I went to Snoopy On Ice when I was little. My dad took me
backstage and I got so scared I threw up on Woodstock.

Buffy: Look, I know you guys think it's just a big, dumb, girlie thing,
but it's not. I mean, a lot of those skaters are Olympic medal winners.
And every year my dad buys me cotton candy and one of those souvenir
programs that has all the pictures, and okay, it's a big, dumb, girlie
thing, but I love it.

Oz: It's not so girlie. Ice is cool! It's water, but it's not.

Willow: I think it's sweet you and your dad have a tradition.
Especially now that he's not around so much. Ixnay on the caramel corn,
though, if you go backstage.

Buffy nods in agreement.

Xander: We're still talking party, right? I mean, some of us still love
to relish celebrating in the birth of the Buff.

Buffy: I dunno. I think it might be time to put a moratorium on parties
in my honor. They tend to go badly. Monsters crash. People die.

Willow: But eighteen is a *big* one, Buffy. I mean, you can vote now.
You can be drafted. (smiles) You can vote not to be drafted.

Buffy: I think I'll choose to celebrate this one with quiet reflection.

Xander: Where is it written that quiet reflection can't be combined
with cake and funny hats?

Cut to the kitchen at Buffy's house. A large birthday floral arrangement
is on the island, complete with helium balloon and card. The tickets to
the ice show are attached to the card. Joyce is at the stove making
dinner. She hears the front door close.

Joyce: Buffy?

Buffy: Present.

She comes into the kitchen, sees the flowers and smiles.

Buffy: Ooo, present!

Joyce: Uh, they're not. They're from your father.

Buffy takes the card and tickets from the arrangement and looks at them.
Her expression shows deep disappointment.

Joyce: His, uh, quarterly projections are unraveling and he can't
afford to take off right now. He promises to make it up to you. It's all
right there in the letter.

Buffy sadly folds up the tickets and the card without even opening it.

Joyce: I-if you want, I could ask somebody to cover for me at the
gallery. I-I mean, if you want me to take you.

Buffy: No. No, that's not necessary. I-I was just thinking it might be
nice to have a quiet birthday.

Cut to an abandoned boardinghouse. The sign outside reads "Sunnydale
Arms, Rooms for Let, Breakfast Included, Inquire Within." Cut inside.
The place is dark and musty. A few of the wall lamps are lit and there's
a fire going in the fireplace. It's clear, though, that no one has lived
here for years. The furniture is torn and the books on the shelves are
strewn about. A man is bricking shut one of the windows. Quentin
Travers, a member of the Watcher's Council, observes his progress. He
turns as another man comes down the stairs.

Quentin: How much longer, Hobson?

Hobson: Five, maybe six hours, sir.

They slowly walk into the next room.

Quentin: Once you finish, you and Blair can get some rest. But sleep in

He and Hobson stop and look across the room. There stands a tall wooden
crate with a heavy lock on it.

Quentin: We're getting very close. The Slayer's preparation is nearly

Cut to the library. Giles gets out the crystals again and carefully lays
them out on the table. Buffy sits and watches him.

Buffy: You know, it's not just cartoon characters. They do pieces from
operas and ballets. Brian Boitano, doing Carmen, is a life changer. Oh,
he doesn't actually play Carmen, but a lot of sophisticated people go.

Giles: (absently) Yes, I think we should start with the grounding
crystal again.

He sets the largest blue crystal on the table in front of Buffy.

Buffy: You know, it's usually something that families do together.

He absently sets the box aside.

Giles: Now, look very carefully for the tiny flaw at its core.

Buffy: I-if someone were free, they'd take their daughters or their
student... or their Slayer. (looks up at him hopefully)

Giles: Hmm? Yes, but, Buffy, I think we should concentrate now. Now,
look for the flaw at its center.

He leans against the table. Buffy gives in and starts to concentrate on
the crystal. At its center is a small stake-shaped flaw in an otherwise
nearly clear blue crystal. Faint wind chimes can be heard as Buffy
slowly goes into a trance. Giles leans over further and looks into her

Giles: Buffy?

Satisfied that she is caught in the crystal's thrall, he pulls a small
case from his briefcase, sets it on the table and opens it. Inside is a
hypodermic needle, a test tube full of a clear yellow liquid and an
alcohol-soaked gauze pad. Keeping a careful eye on Buffy, he takes the
pad and leans toward her. He takes her arm, pushes up her sleeve and
wipes the pad on a spot near the inside of her elbow. He fills the
syringe, taps it to get any air bubbles to the tip and pushes on the
plunger until the fluid begins to squirt out. Again he checks to be sure
Buffy is under, then he takes her arm in one hand and with the other
sticks in the needle. Slowly he depresses the plunger, all the while
keeping an eye on his charge. She doesn't stir in the least. He pulls
the needle back out. Buffy does not bleed from the site. Quickly he puts
everything away. Buffy remains in the crystal's thrall. Giles sits on
the table, trying to be casual, and waves his hand between Buffy and the
crystal. She comes out of her trance and looks up at him.

Buffy: Oh, I'm sorry. (rubs her temples) Did I zone out on you? It's
just... I'm nursing that flu bug.

Giles: It's best to take care of that. Perhaps we should, um...

Buffy: ...call it a night. Yeah, (exhales) that's a good idea. Thanks.

She gets up weakly and groans as she walks out of the library. Giles
smiles to himself.

Giles: Good night.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~

The quad at Sunnydale High on the next day. Buffy and Willow come
walking from the stairs.

Buffy: So, how's it going with Amy the rat?

Willow: (excited) Good! She loves her new exercise wheel. She runs
around, her nose wiggles...

Buffy: (interrupts) I-I meant, how's it going changing her back into a
human being?

Willow: Oh. Still working on it. But I just got her the cutest little

They hear a boy raising his voice and look in his direction. He's
talking to Cordelia.

Boy: (upset) You don't do that to me! I waited for you at the Bronze
all night!

Cordelia: And the big deal is?

Boy: You made me look like some kind of dork in front of my posse!

He grabs her arm. Cordelia is offended, and slaps his arm away.

Cordelia: First of all, 'posse'? Passe'! Second of all, anyone with a
teaspoon of brains knows not to take my flirting seriously. Especially
with my extenuating circumstances.

Boy: (confused) What circumstances?

Cordelia: Rebound! Look it up!

She tries to leave, but he grabs her by both shoulders and pushes her
against a tree.

Boy: Hey! I'm not through here.

Buffy immediately moves in and grabs the boy's arm.

Buffy: Oh, I beg to differ.

She tries to yank at it, but finds she has absolutely no strength. He
scoffs at her and nudges her away rather hard. Buffy falls backward,
stumbling onto a bench and rolls off onto the ground. Cordelia is
incensed, and shoves him away from her.

Cordelia: What is wrong with you?

Boy: Ow.

She starts pounding him in the chest with girlie punches. He quickly
backs away, but Cordelia keeps up with him and won't let up.

Boy: God, the chick started it!

Willow gets down to her knees to help Buffy up.

Willow: (very concerned) Are you okay?

Buffy slowly sits up, very confused.

Cut to the hall. Giles is heading toward the library with a stack of
magazines. Buffy catches up with him.

Buffy: Okay, I just got swatted down by some no-neck and rescued by
Cordelia. What the hell is happening?

Giles: I'm sure it'll sort itself out.

Buffy: (desperate to know) You're not getting the big picture here. I-I
have *no* strength. I have *no* coordination. I throw knives like...

Giles: (calmly) A girl?

Buffy: (confused by his reaction) Like I'm not the Slayer.

Giles: Look, Buffy, I, I, I assure you, um... given time... w-w-we'll
get to the bottom of, of whatever's causing this, um... anomaly.

Buffy: Promise me.

Giles: Yes. I give you my word.

He heads down the hall for his library.

Quentin: You're having doubts.

Cut inside the boardinghouse. He and Giles are sharing a cup of tea.

Quentin: Cruciamentum is not easy... for Slayer or Watcher. But it's
been done this way for a dozen centuries. Whenever a Slayer turns
eighteen. It's a time-honored rite of passage.

Giles: It's an archaic exercise in cruelty. To lock her in this...
tomb... weakened, defenseless. (looks at the crate behind him) And to
unleash *that* on her.

He stares at the crate in the other room for a long moment before
turning back to Quentin.

Giles: If any one of the Council still had actual contact with a
Slayer, they would see, but I'm the one in the thick of it.

Quentin: Which is why you're not qualified to make this decision.
You're too close.

Giles: That's not true.

Quentin: A Slayer is not just physical prowess. She must have cunning,
imagination, a confidence derived from self-reliance. And believe me,
once this is all over, your Buffy will be stronger for it.

Giles: Or she'll be dead for it.

Cut to later. Hobson is working on the front door. He stops for a moment
when Quentin and Giles approach and lets them go through.

Quentin: Rupert, if this girl is everything you say, then you've
nothing to worry about.

Giles isn't so sure. He puts on his glasses and leaves without saying a

Hobson: (to Quentin) Uh, sir, if you can spare me for a short spell,
I'll need to make a run to the hardware store. I just need some...

He is interrupted by loud screaming coming from inside the crate. Blair
hears it, too, and comes in from another room.

Quentin: Take care of it.

The two men reluctantly go to the crate. Quentin slowly follows them.
Whatever's inside the crate keeps screaming its head off. Cut to the
crate. Blair opens the lock and removes it. He pulls open the latch and
jerks open the crate. Inside is a very angry vampire secured in a
straightjacket and strapped to the back of the crate with a metal band
across his forehead. The two men nervously stare at the vampire.

Quentin: (impatient) Come on. Come on.

Blair steps over to a table and pulls two pills from a bottle. He puts
them on a spoon that's been tied to a long bar. Hobson stands behind him
with a glass of water also on the end of a long bar. Blair reaches the
spoon up to the vampire's mouth.

Blair: Kralik, your pills. Open your mouth.

The vampire opens its mouth just enough, and Blair nudges the spoon in,
turning it to drop the pills in, then quickly retreats. Hobson steps up
with the glass of water and angles it for Kralik to drink. He gulps
deeply. Some of the water spills to the sides of his mouth.

Quentin: That's enough. Close it up.

Hobson backs away, and Blair slams the crate shut.

Cut to the library. The gang is at the table doing research into Buffy's

Willow: Aha! A curse on Slayers.

Buffy looks up. Willow reads again.

Willow: Oh, no. Wait. I-it's lawyers.

Xander: You know, maybe we're on the wrong track with the whole spell,
curse and whammy thing. Maybe what we should be looking for is something
like, um, (ahem) Slayer kryptonite.

Oz: Faulty metaphor. Kryptonite kills.

Xander: You're assuming I meant the green kryptonite. I was referring,
of course, to the red kryptonite, which drains Superman of his powers.

Oz: (thinks) Wrong. The gold kryptonite's the power-sucker. The red
kryptonite mutates Superman into some sort of weird...

Buffy: (impatiently) Guys? Reality?

She drops her book onto the table, gets up and walks toward the stairs.
Willow gets up and follows.

Willow: Buffy. (they stop) I know you are *definitely*, without a
doubt, gonna get your powers back.

Buffy: Thanks, Will. (starts up to the stacks)

Willow: But what if you don't?

Buffy: (stops) Okay... (sighs) if I don't get my powers back, then I
don't. I'll deal. (considers) And there's a whole lotta good sides to

Willow: Actually, this could open up so many...

Giles comes into the library. Buffy runs up to him.

Buffy: Giles. Did you find anything?

Giles: (apologetically) Uh, no. Not yet.

Cut to the boardinghouse. Hobson comes into the room where he and Blair
have set up their cots. He has just sat down on his when Kralik begins
to thrash and scream in his crate. Blair wakes and sits bolt upright.
They both take deep breaths when they realize he's not loose.

Hobson: It's your shift.

Blair gets up and goes to take care of their charge, pulling the door to
their room closed behind him as Hobson lies down for a rest.

Cut to the crate. Blair pulls it open. Kralik is still tied up inside.

Kralik: Pills!

Blair: (nervously) Yes.

He looks over at the pill bottle and sees that there's no water in the
glass. He takes it and quickly goes to the kitchen. Kralik takes a deep
breath and strains against the straightjacket, screaming very loudly.
The seam on his right shoulder tears. In the kitchen Blair fills the
glass and casts a worried look behind him.

Blair: It's coming!

He turns off the water and runs back to the crate. Kralik lifts his
shoulder to make the tear in the seam less conspicuous.

Kralik: Pills!

Blair sets down the water, gets two pills from the bottle and puts them
on the spoon. He holds it up to Kralik's mouth as the vampire continues
to groan loudly, crushing his eyelids shut and panting in apparent pain.

Blair: Take them.

Kralik: Pills!

Blair: They're right in front of you.

Kralik: (sniffs) Where? (sniffs)

Blair: Here!

Kralik: I can't see... can't... (sticks out his tongue) can't reach it.

Blair takes a careful step closer.

Blair: Open your eyes.

Kralik suddenly thrusts out his arm and grabs Blair by the neck, lifting
him from the floor and choking him.

Kralik: Shh. Everything's okay now.

Cut to Angel's mansion. The fire is going nicely. The camera pulls back
to show Buffy and Angel sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace.
Buffy unwraps a book, Angel's birthday gift to her. She opens it and
leafs through it. It's a copy of "Sonnets from the Portuguese", classic
love poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning to her husband, Robert
Browning. On the title page Angel has written simply "Always".

Buffy: (softly) Thank you. That's beautiful.

Angel: You really like it?

Buffy: Of course I do. It's sweet and thoughtful and... full of neat
words to learn and say like 'wilt' and 'henceforth'.

Angel: Then why'd you seem more excited last year when you got a
severed arm in a box?

Buffy: I'm sorry. Uh, it's just suddenly there's this chance that my
calling's a wrong number, and... it's just freaking me out a little.

Angel: That's understandable.

Buffy: Angel, what if I have lost my power?

Angel: You lived a long time without it. You can do it again.

Buffy: I guess. But what if I can't? I've seen too much. I know what
goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it... What if I just
hide under my bed, all scared and helpless? Or what if I just become
pathetic? Hanging out at the old Slayer's home, talking people's ears
off about my glory days, showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had

Angel: Buffy, you could never be helpless or boring, not even if you

Buffy raises her eyebrows and gets up.

Buffy: Don't be so sure.

She steps over to a table.

Buffy: Before I was the Slayer, I was... (leans on the table) Well, I,
I don't wanna say shallow, but... Let's say a certain person, who will
remain nameless, we'll just call her Spordelia, looked like a classical
philosopher next to me. Angel, if I'm not the Slayer, what do I do? What
do I have to offer? Why would you like me?

Angel: (quietly) I saw you before you became the Slayer.

Buffy: (confused) What?

Angel: I watched you, and I saw you called. It was a bright afternoon
out in front of your school. You walked down the steps... and... and I
loved you.

Buffy: Why?

Angel: 'Cause I could see your heart. (gets up) You held it before you
for everyone to see. (walks to her) And I worried that it would be
bruised or torn. And more than anything in my life I wanted to keep it
safe... to warm it with my own.

Buffy looks up into his eyes for a long moment, then leans into him, and
they embrace, holding each other close.

Buffy: That's beautiful. Or taken literally, incredibly gross.

Angel: (grimacing) I was just thinking that, too.

Cut to the boardinghouse. Although Kralik has his arm free, he's still
tied too well to free himself from the straightjacket. No matter,
though, seeing as Blair is lying in front of him, soon to become a
vampire. Kralik idly hums and licks his fingers while he waits for his
new friend to wake. He watches as Blair's face spontaneously morphs into
a vampire's. Blair stirs, turns his head to see where the humming is
coming from and slowly gets to his feet.

Kralik: Ah, you're up. I was afraid I drained you too much. I do that

Blair growls at Kralik, but knows what he must do. He looks around for
the ax he knows should be there.

Kralik: Ever have a tune you can't get outta your head? It keeps
playing over and over and over? Drives me nuts.

Blair brings the ax over and swings it at the metal strap where it's
attached to the crate on the left side of Kralik's head, then on the
right. The strap falls to the floor, and Kralik steps out.

Kralik: Ahh. Thank you.

He grunts as he pulls the straightjacket off his other arm and lets it

Kralik: Ohh. That... is much better.

He goes over to his pill bottle and pops a couple into his mouth, then
picks up the glass of water and steps back over to Blair.

Kralik: Mmm.

He takes a good swallow of the water.

Kralik: It's a game, you know. We're not gonna play by their rules,
but... that doesn't mean we're not gonna play.

He smiles broadly and downs the rest of the water.

Kralik: Mmm. (points at Hobson's room) Why don't you call your friend
in? We'll discuss it over dinner.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 3 ~~~~~~~~~~

The boardinghouse later that night. Giles opens the door and takes a
tentative look inside. Everything seems quiet.

Giles: Quentin?

He steps in and closes the door, still wary of the place. He goes into
the sitting room. Nothing seems amiss. He walks back out and down the
hall, looking up the stairs. Still all seems well, but it's just too
quiet. He takes a few steps up to the landing.

Giles: Hello? Quentin? Hob...

He notices that the stair railing feels clammy, and looks at his hand.
It's covered with fresh blood. From the landing he looks into the other
room and sees the closed crate standing there. He rushes down the stairs
and looks for a weapon. He grabs one of the stair rail supports and
breaks it out with the heel of his other hand. He heads straight for the
crate, intending to dust whatever's inside, but finds it empty. Alarmed,
he looks around and then down at the floor. There he sees tracks of
blood leading into the kitchen. He follows them, ready for anything.
Holding his makeshift stake up and ready, he grabs the doorknob and
swings it open, but nothing is there to meet him. He searches for the
light switch, first on one side, then the other, and flips it on when he
finds it. He sees what's left of Hobson lying on the table. The camera
only shows his arm, but the mauling Hobson received must have been
horrific because Giles immediately drops the stake, backs out of the
kitchen, puts his hand to his mouth and does his best not to vomit.
Quickly he regains his composure and makes tracks out of the house.

Cut to the streets. Buffy is slowly walking home holding her coat closed
and hugging her book. She watches as a car passes, and then steps into
the street to cross it. Near the other side of the street she walks past
a couple of guys just hanging out by a car. They see her pass by and
check her out.

Man: (to the other) Let's find out. (to Buffy's back) Hey, sweet girl!
(Buffy stops cold) How much for a lap dance for me and my buddy?

They laugh to themselves. Buffy begins to turn around, but thinks better
of taking them on in her weakened state. She continues along the street.
The men make no move to follow her.

Buffy: (wryly) Walk me home, Angel. No, I'm fine. I can take care of

She rounds a corner and hears humming, but doesn't see anyone around.
She stops and looks behind her, but sees no one there either.

Buffy: Hummers. Big turnoff. I like guys that can remember the lyrics.

She starts to walk again as she turns back, and runs right into Kralik.
He holds onto her by the arms while she tries to pull away.

Kralik: You know, I wish I could, but my mind just isn't what it used
to be.

Buffy: Let me go.

She pulls harder, and he yanks her back.

Kralik: (playfully) You didn't say please!

She starts to struggle in earnest and call for help.


She gets her left arm loose, pulls her right arm out of her jacket and
lets her left arm slip out of the other sleeve as she begins to run.
Blair heads her off and roars at her. She screams and begins to run back
the other way, dodging Kralik, who makes no move to give chase. He has
what he wants. Blair, however, continues to run after her.


Cut to an alley behind a row of houses. She runs along it.


At the far end of the alley she encounters a fence. She tries to climb
it, but doesn't have the strength. She drops back down, checks behind
her and sees Blair coming. She looks down and sees that the fence has
been cut at the base, and so quickly gets down and crawls through it.
Blair catches up and grabs her by the leg. She keeps crawling, making
him lose his balance and grip, but he scrambles to grab her foot. He
can't get a good hold of it, though, and Buffy slips through and begins
to run. Blair gets down and starts to squeeze himself through the fence.
Buffy runs into the street and tries to flag down a car.


The driver honks his horn and swerves sharply to get around her, but he
just keeps going.


She looks over at Blair, who couldn't get through the hole, and sees him
climbing the fence instead. Another car honks at her and screeches
around her. A third car comes in the other direction. Buffy thinks she
recognizes it. She does when it stops. Giles pushes open the passenger-
side door.

Giles: Hurry!

She jumps in and Giles guns it just as Blair gets there. Blair grabs the
door and gets his feet up just inside the car. Buffy hits him repeatedly
as they speed along, and eventually Blair can't hold on any longer. He
drops out of the car and rolls over a few times in the street before
coming to a stop face down. Back by the fence Kralik steps into the
street and watches them go.

Cut to the library. Buffy is sitting at the table wrapped in a blanket.

Buffy: When I hit him, it felt like my arm was broken, it hurt so much.
I can't be just a person. I can't be helpless like that. Giles, please,
we have to figure out what's happening to me.

Giles opens his briefcase and pulls out the case with the syringe. He
opens it, lets out a deep sigh and sets it in front of her.

Giles: (with a shaky voice) It's an organic compound... of muscle
relaxants and adrenal suppressers. The effect is temporary. You'll be
yourself again in a few days.

Buffy can't believe her ears or eyes. She reaches out to the tube of
liquid and touches it.

Buffy: You?

Giles: (shaky) It's a test, Buffy. (takes off his glasses) It's given
to the Slayer once she... uh, well, if she reaches her eighteenth
birthday. (swallows hard) The Slayer is disabled and then entrapped with
a vampire foe whom she must defeat in order to pass the test. (paces
toward his office) The vampire you were to face... has escaped. (stops
at the door facing away) His name is Zackary Kralik. As a mortal, he
murdered and tortured more than a dozen women before he was committed to
an asylum for the criminally insane. When a vamp...

Buffy stands up and throws the syringe case at him, but misses, hitting
the wall beside him.

Buffy: (sobbing angrily) You bastard. All this time, you saw what it
was doing to me. All this time, and you didn't say a word!

Giles: (faces her) I wanted to.

Buffy: (sobs) Liar.

Giles: In matters of tradition and protocol, I must answer to the

Buffy runs her hands through her hair in disbelief of her betrayal.

Giles: My role in this... was very specific. I was to administer the
injections and to direct you to the old boardinghouse on Prescott Lane.

Buffy: (crying and shaking her head) I can't... I can't hear this.

Giles: Buffy, please.

Buffy: (looks him in the face) Who are you? (lowers her hands) How
could you do this to me?

Giles: I am deeply sorry, Buffy, (reaches out to her) and you have to

She backs away and warns him off with her hand.

Buffy: (shaking with hatred) If you touch me, I'll kill you.

Giles lowers his hand.

Giles: (imploringly) You have to listen to me. Because I've told you
this, the test is invalidated. You will be safe now, I promise you. Now,
whatever I have to do to deal with Kralik... and to win back your

Buffy: (interrupts, sobbing) You stuck a needle in me. You poisoned me!

Behind them Cordelia walks into the library.

Cordelia: What's going on?

She sees Buffy's tear-streaked face.

Cordelia: Oh, God. Is the world ending? I have to research a paper on
Bosnia for tomorrow, but if the world's ending, I'm not gonna bother.

Buffy starts to walk out of the library.

Giles: (desperately) You can't walk home alone, Buffy. It isn't safe.

Buffy stops. Cordelia doesn't understand and looks at her.

Buffy: (facing away) I don't know you.

Cordelia: (faces Giles) Did something take her memory? (turns to Buffy)
He's Giles. Giiillles. (grins) He hangs out here a lot.

Buffy turns around.

Buffy: Cordelia, could you please drive me home?

Cordelia: (surprised) Of course.

Buffy turns and walks out.

Cordelia: (to Giles) But if the world doesn't end, I'm gonna need a

She follows Buffy out of the library.

Cut to the Summers' dining room. Joyce is doing her bills. She hears a
noise outside and looks up. She gets up from the table. Cut outside.
Joyce opens the door and steps out. She looks over to the side of the

Joyce: Buffy?

There she sees a figure lying on the floor shrouded in Buffy's coat. She
reaches down and touches the figure's back. It rolls over, and Kralik
looks up at her. She steps back in fright.

Kralik: (grinning horribly) Mother.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 4 ~~~~~~~~~~

The kitchen at the Summers house. Buffy opens the door and comes in. The
bouquet from her father is still on the island. She pushes it to the end
and lets it drop into the wastebasket. She walks through the dining room
and sees the front door standing open. Taped to the doorframe is a
Polaroid photo. She strides over to it and pulls it down to look at it.
It's of her mother with Kralik behind her holding her by the neck. She
turns the picture over, and on the back is written "come".

Cut to her room. She has a heavy leather bag open on her bed. She pulls
a knife and several stakes from her trunk and drops them into the bag.
At her desk she opens the top left drawer with her Slayer stuff and
pulls out a bottle of Holy Water. This she drops into the pocket of her
coveralls. She closes the bag and heaves it up by the strap and onto her
shoulder. It's very heavy, and she has to lean to the side quite a bit
to counterbalance it as she walks out of her room.

Cut to the basement of the boardinghouse. Joyce is tied to a chair and

Kralik: Mother.

She looks toward his voice, and he snaps another Polaroid of her.

Kralik: May I call you Mother? (walks in front of her) My own mother
was a person with no self-respect of her own, so she tried to take mine.

Joyce turns her head away from him, and he takes another picture. She
strains against the ropes around her arm, but they are too tight.

Kralik: Ten years old, she had the scissors. You wouldn't believe what
she took with those. (takes another pic) But she's dead to me now.
(takes two more) Mostly (chuckles) because I killed and ate her, but
also because I know I won't be alone much longer. (kneels by Joyce) I'll
have your daughter. I won't kill her; I'll just make her like me.
Different. She'll go to sleep, and when she wakes up, (gets into her
face) your face will be the first thing she eats.

Joyce's eyes are wide with terror. Kralik stops to consider.

Kralik: I have a problem with mothers. (chuckles) I'm aware of that.

Cut to the front door of the boardinghouse. It opens quietly, and Buffy
looks in. She has her crossbow up and ready. The front rooms are empty
and quiet, so she steps in. She takes one of her stakes and puts it down
between the door and the frame to keep it open. Again she raises her bow
and looks around the front rooms. She steps in further and looks through
the archway into the sitting room. The fire is going there. She walks
once around the room and then sets her bag down on the old couch. She
continues to explore the area quietly, her fear and nervousness evident
in her face. She approaches a door and cautiously takes hold of the
knob. Quickly she twists it and pulls the door open, only to find that
it's been bricked up on the other side. She closes it again.

Cut outside. A hand reaches down and picks up the stake she left there.
The door closes and the latch echoes loudly. Cut inside. Buffy spins
around to face the noise. Cut outside. The camera pans from the hand up
to Blair's face.

Cut to Giles' office. He's on the phone trying to reach Quentin. The
other end of the line keeps ringing. Just then Quentin appears at the
door and walks in. Giles sees him and sets the phone back down in its

Giles: I was just trying to reach you.

Quentin: I was on watch over by the boardinghouse. (paces away)

Giles: Then you know what's happened.

Quentin: Yes.

Giles: (angrily) He's killed Hobson and made Blair one of his own. Your
perfectly controlled test seems to have spun rather impressively out of
control, don't you think?

Quentin turns and gives him a long look, then paces back the other way
to the teapot.

Quentin: It changes nothing. (lifts the lid from the teapot)

Giles: Well, then, allow me. (leans on his desk) I've told Buffy

Quentin: (looks up from the teapot) That is in direct opposition to the
Council's orders. (sets the lid back down)

Giles: Yes. (crosses his arms) Interestingly, I don't give a rat's ass
about the Council's orders. There will be no test.

Quentin: (pours a cup of tea) The test has already begun. Your Slayer
entered the field of play about ten minutes ago.

Giles: (stands up, surprised) Why?

Quentin: I don't know. I returned there just as she entered.

Giles grabs his keys from his desk and starts out of the office. Quentin
tries to stop him.

Quentin: Now Giles, we've no business...

Giles grabs him by the coat and shoves him up against the doorframe.

Giles: This is *not* business!

He lets the other man go and strides out of the library.

Cut to the sitting room in the boardinghouse. Buffy slowly moves out of
it back into the foyer. She looks around before entering it, then goes
back over to the door to check it. It's locked shut. She yanks at it
several times, but she can't budge it. Blair comes up behind her and
growls. Buffy spins around and aims the crossbow at him. She pulls the
trigger, but the bolt flies right past his face. Blair grabs the bow,
jerks it out of her hands and throws it down. He grabs her by the throat
and begins to choke her. Buffy grabs onto his arm and stomps on his
foot. Blair lets go. She shoves him aside and runs into the sitting
room. She opens her bag and tries to reach in, but Blair reaches for her
over the back of the couch. Buffy jumps away and runs to the far wall by
the bookcase. Blair moves to follow, but Buffy pushes the bookcase over
on top of him. He struggles underneath it, but can't lift it off. Buffy
climbs over it and goes to her bag, opens it and reaches in. Blair
reaches out from under the bookcase and grabs her ankle. Buffy screams
and looks around for a weapon. She spies the andirons, grabs the tongs
and starts to whale on Blair's arm. She has to hit him several times
before he finally lets go. Buffy grabs her bag and runs out of the room.
She stops in the hallway and looks around. Somewhere Kralik is watching
her, and he taunts her.

Kralik: Hide and seeeek...

She looks all around her.

Kralik: Hide and seek!

The hall, the stairs and the adjacent room are empty. There she sees
Kralik's crate. The crate door is closed and looks locked. She
approaches it, and it suddenly swings opens. Kralik jumps out and grabs
her by the throat. Buffy gasps in fright, but doesn't struggle.

Kralik: Why did you come to the dark of the woods?

He yanks her bag out of her hands and looks into it. Inside is a smaller
bow, several stakes and a few knives.

Kralik: To bring all these sweets to grandmother's house?

He drops the bag and pulls her closer. Buffy surprises him by holding up
a cross. He leaps back from her in fear. She holds it out at arm's
length, shaking nervously. Kralik stares at her for a while, smiling
evilly, then suddenly grabs her arm and pulls it and the cross into his
chest. There he rubs it around and laughs as it burns against his skin.

Kralik: Oh-oh, no, no. Just a little lower. (nudges it down) Right...
(inhales in ecstasy) Oh, yes. Yes. Oh. (gasps) Oooh! Thank you very

Buffy lets go of the cross and runs in terror. Kralik just smiles and
watches her run. She runs into the kitchen and locks the door. Hobson's
remains are still there. She notices the body but doesn't have time to
really look at it before she is distracted by Kralik pounding on the
door. She runs to the counter and rifles through the drawers looking for
anything she can use. She finds nothing, but then looks up when the
pounding stops. Her breathing is shallow and panting with fear. She
looks around again, but can't find anything of use. Slowly she steps
back to the door and quietly opens it.

The coast is clear, so she comes into the hall. She constantly looks
around as she makes her way toward the stairs. When she's almost there
she makes a dash for them and starts to run up. Kralik punches his arm
through the railing and trips her, making her fall and cut her forehead
against the steps. He grabs her leg and pulls her down a ways. She
struggles to get away. She grabs a broken piece of the railing and stabs
at his arm with it. He lets go and decides to run up the stairs after
her. Buffy scrambles to her feet, runs to the top and starts down the
hall. At a bend in the hall she stops and looks around. The hallway is
empty, so she runs to the first door. It's locked, so she goes to the
next. It opens, and she runs in, slamming the door behind her. The room
is pitch dark. Buffy searches around until she finds a string hanging
from the ceiling. She pulls it and the light goes on. She stares in
shock at the walls around her. They are covered with Polaroids of her
mother. She grabs one off the wall to make sure. Just then she hears
Kralik pounding at the door. He punches through and reaches in,
searching for the knob to unlock it. She runs to another door, opens it
and runs out into the hall. Just as she reaches the end, Kralik steps
out in front of her.

Kralik: If you stray from the path, you will lose your way.

He reaches out and puts his hand on her cheek. She tries to push him
away, but he's too strong and bends down toward her neck.

Kralik: (reassuringly) I won't take it all. I won't take it all.

She strains hard to keep him at bay. Suddenly Kralik has one of his
attacks. He grabs his head and begins to scream. Buffy tries to get past
him, but he shoves her into the wall, stunning her. He pulls out his
pill bottle and struggles to get it open. Buffy regains her head and
grabs the bottle out of his hands. She runs down the hall away from him.

Kralik: No! No! No!

He has a hard time coming after her with the pain in his head. Buffy
reaches the far end of the hall and leaps into the laundry chute. Kralik
looks down the chute and hears her sliding, but doesn't follow. Instead
he staggers back the other way.

Cut to the basement. Buffy comes sliding out of the chute and onto a
table. It breaks beneath her, and she falls to the floor in a cloud of
dust. Her mother is there, tied to a chair and gagged, and sees her
daughter fall.

Joyce: Buffy?

Buffy gets up and scrambles over to her mother. She tries to untie her,
but can't.

Joyce: (muffled) Buffy, we have to get out...

They hear pounding at the basement door. Buffy stops struggling with the
ropes. Kralik smashes the door in and comes running down the stairs
demanding his pills.

Kralik: Where are they? Where are they?!

He runs into the room, and Buffy fakes trying to get past him and up the
stairs. He grabs her and shoves her against a wall. He sees the pill
bottle in her hands and snatches it from her. He struggles with the lid
as he stumbles over to where he sees a glass of water near the wine
racks. He gets the lid off, pops a couple of pills and gulps down the
water. He gasps for air and takes several deep breaths as he begins to
calm down, knowing that the medicine should soon take effect. He smiles
evilly over at Buffy and takes some forced steps in her direction. Buffy
just watches him come.

Kralik: You don't seem to understand your place in all of this. Do you
have any idea...

Suddenly he realizes something is very wrong and stops in his tracks.

Kralik: Oh, my! (looks down at the glass in his hand) What have you...

He begins to shake and looks back up at Buffy.

Kralik: My pills!

She pulls the now-empty bottle of Holy Water from her pocket and holds
it up for him to see. He drops the glass and begins to shake violently,
grunting and groaning in pain.

Kralik: No. No...

Smoke begins to puff out of his clothes. Buffy watches coolly.

Buffy: If I was at full Slayer power, I'd be punning right about now.

Kralik: No! No!

He screams loudly one final time, and then crumbles to ashes from the
inside out. Buffy closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of relief. She
pockets the bottle and rushes over to her mother. She pulls the gag from
her mouth and begins to work on the ropes again.

Joyce: (breathing heavily) Buffy, thank God you're okay. Oh, that

Buffy: (straining) I can't get these. They're too tight.

Joyce: Can't you just...

She jerks in her chair suggesting that Buffy just tear the ropes.

Buffy: Not right now. (looks around) Maybe there's some clippers

She stands up to look around, when suddenly Blair lunges at her. Giles
is right behind him.

Joyce: Oh, Buffy!

Blair grabs Giles and throws him against a shelf rack. Blair punches him
in the face and in the gut. Giles doubles over, but thrusts up with his
arm, plunging a stake into Blair's chest. He bursts into ashes. Slowly
Giles straightens up. He and Buffy look at each other for a long time.

Quentin: Congratulations, you passed.

Cut to the library. Buffy is sitting at the table. Quentin stands calmly
at the head as he speaks. Giles leans in the doorway to his office.

Quentin: You exhibited extraordinary courage and clearheadedness in
battle. The Council is very pleased.

Buffy: (deadpan) Do I get a gold star?

Quentin: I understand that you're upset...

Buffy: (with controlled fury) You understand *nothing*. You set that
monster loose, and he came after my mother.

Quentin: You think the test was unfair?

Buffy: I think you better leave town before I get

Kikavu ?

Au total, 190 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

24.11.2022 vers 00h

17.10.2022 vers 20h

28.09.2022 vers 20h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

13.12.2021 vers 22h

30.08.2021 vers 10h

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cobrate  (15.01.2019 à 20:41)

Et une methode assez violente pour vérifier l'acquisition des compétences... Quand on sait qu'il y a normalement qu'une tueuse à chaque fois... on peut pas vraiment dire qu'ils ont peur de les perdre... Pourtant, que vaut-il mieux ? Une tueuse de 3 ans ou une tueuse qui découvre ce qu'elle est ?

Aloon33  (14.01.2019 à 16:45)

Un des épisodes les plus effrayants de la saison ! Pauvre Buffy...


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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CastleBeck, 20.05.2024 à 15:42

4 quartiers attendent des votes dans les préférences (thèmes et bannières). Merci.

choup37, 22.05.2024 à 09:37

Qui est-ce, mais aussi Destruction ou Linge de maison? Kaamelott fait tourner ses jeux, n'hésitez pas à venir participer

Sas1608, Avant-hier à 17:16

C'est l'été à Storybrooke ! Venez voir le nouveau design du quartier Once Upon A Time !

Viens chatter !